2014. július 15., kedd

Bean Bag For Children

I still remember back in my childhood of the big pillow fights with my cousins and friends.

We tried to collect all the cushions from bedrooms, sitting room, even from the hot press. And when we got into big trouble, because all the fillings came out and like thousands of snowflakes, covered everything in the room.
Another day we made a castle out of them, or just simple trow them onto the floor and started to read my new book from the market.
These days you don't need to search for nanny's cushions any more for a comfy snug. 

There's the bean bag! 
Nice, comfortable, and can be made for big and small, different size and colour. 
I make them with double cover, so easy to clean. If you have a unique idea, or even an extreme form, pop in to my Etsy shop today, and I'll make it for you. 
So you may pass the old time memories to your loved ones.

 Nautical beanbag
 Cute owl beanbag
Soft Sheep Beanbag

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